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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another summer week has flown by! Mieka is a little chatterbox these days :) She's saying new words almost every day and I really think it was the sign language that kick started her language explosion. We've pretty much lost track of all the words she can say and sign! One of her recent words is "show" which is what I call her dvd I put in when I make dinner or need her occupied for a few minutes. She also knows that the remote operates the "show" and she has a fake remote to play with. So now she comes up to us and with a very serious look on her face says "show" and points the remote at us :) She will try and try to get the remote to work, pressing very hard on the buttons, it's sort of cute, but I'm a little worried I've created a couch potato at the tender age of 13 mo.

We also got a new "skirtie" in the mail the other day. It's a wool diaper cover crocheted into a skirt/shorts and I think it's adorable :)


1 comment:

Anna said...

I love that skirt - so cute!! Great video too - she's so determined with those buttons! :)