My Blog List

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yearly Update :)

Wow, its been a over a year since I've updated! The kids have grown and changed so much, its amazing how quickly a year slips away in the life of a busy mom :/

Mieka has been in preschool now half a year and loves it, for the most part. She just goes 2 days a week. She's also been taking ballet/tap dancing since the summer. Its right up her alley of being "girly" which is her current phase. That is just one day a week. Between the 2 however, I feel like I'm constantly running around! I can only imagine what it must be like for families with several older children!!!

So, I won Nook from Dr. Oz about a week ago and yesterday it came. After messing around with it today, I have to say, it's pretty cool :D I can tell Ned is jealous......I wanted to get him a Kindle awhile back and he had poo-pooed the idea, telling me he likes *real* books. I think he has changed his mind however :) If he's good, he may get one for Father's Day, we'll see. Did you know there's over 1 million FREE books available for a Nook?! I think I may just find the time to read a few of them now!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mieka and Lila

They definitely have a love/hate relationship, but they do get quite a bit of enjoyment playing with each other :)

Mieka singing Old McDonald in the "round" ;)

Funny Henry video clip from Thanksgiving

Took this after we had eaten our Thanksgiving meal......Henry's such a funny baby :)

Where did January go?!

Here it is the last day of January 2010 already! This holiday season has FLOWN by. Its been a month already since my dear Grandma passed away on Christmas Eve :( Miss her, even though we didn't live close to her. Just the thought that we can never visit her again when we go up to MN makes me sad. I know she's probably happier now, but I can't help but be a little selfish and wish her back here on earth with us. Miss you Grandma!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another cool giveaway!

LINK to giveaway These seem too good to be true, but it would be nice to not have to buy laundry detergent anymore! Check it out!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Great give away at Focusing on the Bible, family and the Great Deals!

A baby set from Natures Paradise Organics will be given away June 11th, 2009, so be sure to sign up to win! Would make a great gift even if you don't have a little one running around.

Click Here